Die Grundprinzipien der die hagia sophia

Walk into Hagia Sophia (Aya Sofya) and look up to the heavens to Tümpel why so many conquerors and their respective religions claimed this basilica turned mosque turned museum as their own.

At the time of its Urfassung construction, as tour guides will tell you, people believed that the church was so magnificent that it must have had divine guidance to aid in its crafting.

As a step on the way of a secular country, Hagia Sophia welches converted into a museum by the order of Atatürk and reopened in 1935.

Now, with the building’s most recent change in Zustand, Turkish officials say that all imagery depicting Christian figures in the main hall will Beryllium concealed with curtains during prayer time.

The Schauplatz and distinctive Horizont of the Historic Peninsula continues to express the Outstanding Universal Value of the property. However the ongoing ability of the wider maritime Schauplatz to do this depends on ensuring that development does not compromise views of the Horizont.

* Better to know the each Konstituens and story, and have a detailed look at the architecture, mosaics, the imperial dome, upper galleries and the decoration from the past and today with a guide.

Hinein a world where many Christians and Catholics are fighting for tradition and many Muslims are fighting for respect, one place hinein Istanbul serves as an ancient glimpse into our future. A church for 916 years before being converted into a mosque for 482 years, the Hagia Sophia’s walls stand as an unintentional symbol of unity.

Huge circular wooden plaques on the main piers are inscribed in gold script with the names of the first four Caliphs. Hinein the apse is the mihrab (the niche indicating the direction of Mecca).

The interior of Hagia Sophia is lined with enormous marble slabs that kleine hagia sophia are said to have been designed to imitate moving water.

The construction started in 532 and welches completed rein a period of five years and opened for worship on December 27, 537 with great ceremony. Resources show that on the opening day of the Hagia Sophia, Emperor Justinianos entered the temple and said, “My Lord, thank you for giving me chance to create such a worshipping place,” and followed with the words “Süleyman, I beat you,” referring to Süleyman’s temple in Jerusalem.

Finding a balance between change and preservation is a delicate issue in the Historic Areas. The Management Plan, which is currently being prepared rein collaboration with all stakeholders in conformity with the related legislation, will address this issue. It will address the traffic and transport plan for the city, the urban regeneration strategy and tourism management, and will provide a proper framework to ensure that construction and infrastructure projects respect the Outstanding Universal Value of the property.

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وتشمل تحفها ميدان قسطنطين القديم لسباق الخيل وبازيليك آية صوفيا العائدة الى القرن السادس ومسجد السليمانية العائد الى القرن السادس عشر، وجميعها مهدد حالياً جرّاء الاكتظاظ السكاني والتلوث الصناعي والتنظيم المدني العشوائي.

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